Diamond (The Men of Rock Candy, 1) by Alex Bowman (Kelex)
English Edition
Damon and Cass have been friends since their early years of college. Cass has had a thing for Damon almost as long. Now graduated, Cass pushes pencils during the day, but by night—he’s head bouncer for the Men of Rock Candy, a touring all male revue.
Where Damon’s one of the stars.
Still in grad school, Damon’s not far from that final walk to the podium—and he’ll walk away debt-free thanks to the generous tips he gets from the many eager women who love his dance persona, “Diamond.” Young and old, he shakes his ass on stage for every one of them, all while Cass watches from the shadows, longing for what he’s scared to reach for.
When the owner of the troupe convinces the group to give a gay club a chance, they finally relent. The potential for tips sways their heads… but can Cass contain his need for Damon after seeing his friend dancing for a room full of lusty men?
Cass is one lap dance away from breaking.