Sacrificed to the Mountain Gods (Sacrificed, 5) by Kelex
English Edition
Always the outcast, Halfling Itari is the easy choice to sacrifice when the nearby mountain begins belching smoke and the earth trembles. He’s never fit in with his mother’s clan, his half human side making him the subject of ridicule. When he escapes, he flees into the forest—but another massive tremor causes him to fall and bump his head.
When Itari awakens, he’s in the company of two huge men. Sure they must be giant-human Halflings themselves, he feels a kindred spirit amongst them. Being part of two worlds isn’t easy; he knows that better than most. The men are roughhewn and beastly, yet he feels a savage pull—and a desire he can’t understand unlocks within.
They spend a night together showing Itari delights he never knew, and when it’s over, the two demand he yield to him. Forever. But with the mountain threatening them all, Itari knows that their time can only be brief. Thoughts of his family drag him from their arms. He knows he can save them—and must. Returning home, he holds his mother and brother tight…
And by the first light he surrenders to the gods.