The Taste of Lust by Andi Shaw
English Edition
Two giant Easter eggs and a surprise for a ward full of kids...that was the plan. But when Dr. Dan Reilly mysteriously finds himself one Easter egg down he has no choice but to go straight to the man they call 'Mr. Chocolate' and beg for another.
Mr. Chocolate is more than willing to give Dr. Dan what he needs, after all who could possibly say no to that level of hotness? But he wants something in return and the only question is whether or not Dr. Dan is willing to give it to him...
Meanwhile Dr. Robert is struggling with his own problem. Trapped inside one of the giant eggs he has no choice but to call out to his sexy as hell neighbour for help. Samia has lusted after the hot medic for weeks. She's plotted a million different ways to get her hands on his stethoscope but the right opportunity has been stubbornly elusive. Until now.
Before the night is through Dr. Dan and Dr. Robert will come to realize that surprises can take the most unexpected turns, and sometimes the very thing you have been looking for has been right under your nose all along.