His Skittish Sub (A JLC Construction Story, 5) by Kelex
English Edition
Damien Rosetta comes to his best friend’s wedding with the date from hell. Of course, that’s the perfect time for fate to put the man of his dreams in his path, the very moment he can’t do a thing about it. Damien can’t get the man off his mind, and when fate finds another way to bring the pair together, Damien isn’t taking no for an answer.
Lucas Cullen was supposed to meet Damien at the bachelor party, but chickens out before the night barely begins, never meeting the man. One look at the sexy Damien, and Lucas’ shyness takes over. When he gets a second chance at the wedding, his tongue ties in twenty different knots and he blows another shot. Friends orchestrate one more meeting, knowing the third time’s gotta be a charm.
Damien is entranced. He can think of nothing but Lucas and having the man, but he’s thwarted at every turn. Can Lucas get over his shyness and surrender before it’s too late?