Catching the Pass by Alexandra O'Hurley
English Edition
Jennings Ashby had played football since peewee leagues in elementary school, but a college knee injury shattered his dreams of the NFL—until his sister found a new surgery that would give him a chance at reaching for that dream once again. Almost thirty and not having touched a football in nearly a decade, he has a lot of hard work ahead of him if he wants a chance at the big show.
Maggie Anders is one of the best rehab therapists around. She’s tapped to work with Jennings and agrees to come live in his Dixon, Texas home to administer the intensive training and therapy he needs—especially since it’ll get her away from the drama her NFL fiancé has created in her life. Running away is much easier than facing the man she wasn’t really sure she wanted to marry in the first place. She swears off athletes for good. Then she meets Jennings and she has to rethink that vow.
Jennings knows he wants Maggie from the moment she knocks on his door, but he needs to focus on getting ready for the tryout his friend Rhett obtains for him more than he needs to focus on getting Maggie into his bed—no matter how tempting the latter sounds.