News — Contemporary
First Glimpse - Aliyah Burke's The Second Time Around
Action Adventure Aliyah Burke Contemporary Erotic Erotic Romance Interracial IR MF New Release Romance
The Second Time Around D.A.R.K, Inc, 4 Copyright © 2018 by Aliyah Burke There are times that past memories won’t leave you alone. Derek, the only remaining single Wilder brother, has been unable to forget a woman he saved two years ago. She is haunting him in his dreams, until one day, she shows up at his door. Avery is tired of being scared. She heads to Montana to face a man she needs to see in order to get on with her life. Trouble has followed her. Can she survive and still find a future, possibly one...
First Glimpse - Adam Charles' Second Chance
Adam Charles Contemporary Erotic Erotic Romance Gay MM New Release Romance
Second Chance Taking a Chance, 2 Copyright © 2018 by Adam Charles David has spent almost a decade living with regrets, and he’s finally worked up the courage to right a wrong from years ago. Just as he’s reconciling with his twin brother, David gets another chance to fix a relationship he screwed up. Even though he bolted out of fear, David has never been able to forget the day he kissed his friend Michael. Now that Michael is in his life again, will David be able to make it up to him? Or is it too much to...
First Glimpse - Kelex's New Neighbor (In Bed, 3)
Contemporary Erotic Erotic Romance Gay Kelex MM New Release Romance
New Neighbor (In Bed, 3) Copyright © 2018, Kelex “All that hard work… for nothing,” Benji muttered as he stared into the full-length mirror. Sighing, his stare washed over his reflection. He was just as scrawny as he’d ever been. For weeks, he’d been going to the gym obsessively, trying to add some bulk to his too-lean body. He’d increased his food intake and yet—nothing. His buddy Jesse had given him some bulking powders to add to his morning drinks, but all Benji still saw in the mirror was a ninety-pound weakling. Of course, he wasn’t quite thatsmall, but...
First Glimpse - Past Lovers (In Bed, 2) by Kelex
Contemporary Erotic Erotic Romance Erotica Gay Kelex MM New Release Romance
Past Lovers In Bed, 2 Copyright © 2018 by Kelex Five years ago, best friends Adam and Clay spent a drunken night together. Adam slipped from the guy’s bed before Clay awakened—and when nothing was said in the light of day—he thought maybe the secret was safe. Only Clay’s girlfriend had been in the room… and she used her knowledge to blackmail him into helping her hold on to Clay. Even if they were totally wrong for one another. Unable to let Clay go, Adam agreed. And so started his hell on earth. Close to the man who becomes his...
First Glimpse - It Was Always You by Aliyah Burke
Aliyah Burke Contemporary Erotic Erotic Romance Interracial IR MF New Release Romance Western
It Was Always You Kendrick Brothers, 1 Copyright © 2018 by Aliyah Burke Zane Kendrick has finally returned home after being in the Army for twenty-two years. Empty he isn’t sure what his future holds for him until he runs into ZoëDuncan working in her father’s shop. When he sees her again, out, he realizes she’s no longer the little girl who followed her brothers and his around. This Zoëwas all woman. And his feelings for her have changed. ZoëDuncan has loved Zane forever. He’s been the object of all her fantasies and when the opportunity arrives for her...